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March 28, 2024

From Crayons to Core Beliefs: Unpacking Entrepreneurial Psychology

From Crayons to Core Beliefs: Unpacking Entrepreneurial Psychology

In the spring of 2023, I found myself in an unusual setting that turned into one of the most life-changing experiences I've ever had. Picture this: I was sitting in a cheap hotel lobby, surrounded by 23 other grown men, all of whom were successful entrepreneurs, founders, and executives. There we were, a group of accomplished businessmen, coloring with Crayola markers on giant pieces of paper at 10 o'clock at night. This seemingly childish activity was actually a gateway to a profound journey into the world of core beliefs and entrepreneurial psychology.

The Catalyst of Crayons: A Night of Unconventional Reflection

That night, as we filled our sheets with vibrant colors, we were unknowingly peeling back the layers of our professional facades to reveal the underlying core beliefs that drive our actions and decisions. This unique exercise was more than just a trip down memory lane to our kindergarten days; it was a meticulously designed program to help us uncover the deep-seated beliefs that shape our motivations and behaviors as entrepreneurs.

Core Beliefs Defined: The Foundation of Our Actions

Core beliefs, as I learned, are the fundamental convictions that form the basis of how we see ourselves, others, and the world. They are deeply ingrained within us and influence our thoughts, actions, and reactions. Jason Van Ruler, the mental health specialist who guided us through this introspective journey, explained that these beliefs often originate from our early experiences and shape our worldview and self-image in profound ways.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset: Driven by Invisible Forces

As entrepreneurs, we are often driven by these invisible forces without even realizing it. Our core beliefs can propel us to great heights, but they can also lead us into behavioral patterns and decision-making processes that may not always serve our best interests. This duality of core beliefs – as both a fuel and a potential folly – is something I found both fascinating and critical to understand.

From Fuel to Fool: The Duality of Motivation

The phrase "What fuels us, fools us" resonated deeply with me. It encapsulates the idea that the very beliefs that motivate us to start and grow our businesses can also mislead us. For instance, a belief in our unworthiness can drive us to achieve success as a way to prove our value, but this same belief can trap us in a cycle of never feeling satisfied, constantly chasing validation through our achievements.

Identifying and Transforming Negative Core Beliefs

During the intensive sessions with Jason, we explored how to identify and transform these negative core beliefs. He stressed the importance of recognizing these underlying convictions and the role they play in our lives. Transforming these beliefs is not about overnight changes but about gradually reshaping how we view ourselves and our capabilities.

The Role of Community and Connection in Entrepreneurial Psychology

I also learned the crucial role of community and genuine connections. As leaders, we need to create and nurture environments where openness, vulnerability, and authenticity are valued and encouraged. This not only leads to personal growth but also fosters a healthy, supportive culture within our organizations.

Implementing Change: Practical Steps for Entrepreneurs

Taking the first step towards understanding and addressing our core beliefs requires courage and commitment. It's about initiating a journey of self-discovery and continuous improvement, not just for the sake of personal well-being but also for the sustainable success of our ventures.


Reflecting on that unconventional night with crayons, I realize how pivotal that experience was in shaping my understanding of entrepreneurial psychology. It taught me that the journey of personal and professional growth is deeply interconnected and that by confronting and reshaping our core beliefs, we can unlock our true potential. As entrepreneurs, we owe it to ourselves and our ventures to embark on this journey, to ensure that what fuels us today will not fool us tomorrow.

If you're intrigued by the idea of exploring your own core beliefs and how they shape your entrepreneurial journey, I invite you to listen to or view the full podcast episode.

Join us on "The Growth Gear" as we delve deeper into these concepts with Jason Van Ruler, uncovering more about the psychology behind entrepreneurship. Discover how you can apply these insights to your own journey for greater fulfillment and success.

Listen to the episode now and take the first step towards transforming your entrepreneurial mindset!